About us

Ramos & Araujo, through its partners and collaborators specializes in consulting / business and legal counsel with expertise of over 20 years in the market, looking for solutions and improving outcomes for our customers. Also, we have expertise to diagnose, prevent and correct problems that interfere with the health of your organization.

Through practical solutions and with the participation of the client company professionals, we ensure efficiency and sustained growth of its business by developing and improving strategies, talent, structure and organization of processes, optimizing their investments. Our consulting business with over 20 years experience in the market, the qualification of our multidisciplinary team of experts are the best guarantee of superior results for recovery, development and expansion of companies.

Seeking to improve the organization and the company's management to achieve sustained growth, exceeding the current results, so the goal is to help your company achieve excellence in people management, methods and processes.

Our Team

Our team consists of consultants with extensive experience and experience in all aspects of strategy formulation, business development, management and implementing change in complex environments.


General recommendations

Any and all requests for financing must be made directly to BNDES or to accredited financial agents.

Therefore, pay attention to the possible hiring of consultancy to assist you in processing the funding request.

There are consultancies using the name, brand, logo or address of the BNDES, and also the name or CNPJ of Finame (a company of the BNDES System), and which have no connection with the institution.

In addition, BNDES also does not contact its customers directly to offer its products or to make collections, much less uses Whatsapp and Facebook in its dialogue with citizens.

If you have hired the services of an advisor to help you process the financing request (with the BNDES or the accredited financial institution), it is recommended that without monitoring a real situation of the request with the BNDES or the financial agent.

Business Solutions

  • Consulting and Business Advisory
  • Business and Management Plan
  • Project Management and Strategic Planning
  • Viability study
  • Market research
  • Credit Analysis - Credit Score - Transfer
  • Real Estate Development
  • Geric - Caixa Econômica Federal (learn more)
  • PBPQ-H - Brazilian Program of Habitat Quality and Productivity
  • PMCMV - Minha Casa, Minha Vida
  • PNHR - National Rural Housing Program
  • Operations "Buit to Suit"
  • Operations "Sale & Lease Back"


The Credit Risk Management - GERIC, is responsible for all credit analysis from the bank in order to verify if the companies have the ability to pay particular request financial transaction.

This verification is guided through a series of documents, which in turn, the financial institution will consolidate, analyze, and through strict criteria to define what is the credit limit that the company will close the case.

Why is it so difficult?

We know that only 1.5% of small and medium-sized construction companies have the Geric. This shows that get this facility as desired by companies is an almost impossible task, ballast analysis, restrictive requirements, strict and almost unattainable criteria that ensure such an operation aiming to ensure timely payments, eliminate almost all who venture this harvest by awaited obtaining Geric.

In addition, for not being the "core business" of the companies trying to meet alone box patterns and in turn be "Gericadas" end up dipping into a raging sea and turbulent, full of channels where not everyone can navigate, so without access to these channels the process becomes exhausting and fruitless. It is actually a job for specialists with significant penetration to these channels.

We can not forget the deadlines, always too tight to allow no mistake, after delivery of the requested documents, Caixa has 30 days to review them, however, if there are errors or distorted or inconsistent data, the whole process will be lost and must If back to square one.

There is another important factor inherent in this operation, the fact that anyone who reviews and approves all are public servants, therefore, its focus is not the success of obtaining the requested loan, but the fulfillment of the bank's bureaucracy.

The beginning of the process

It all starts with the opening of current account Corporate in Box, then rises the numerous documents requested, with updated information of up to 90 days.

The Geric seeks to identify the financial health of the company through various documents, balance sheet, notes, etc. aggregates to these documents, there are several spreadsheets related to the history of construction in progress, already delivered, to start, etc. chart demonstrating the company's debts, table showing cash flow, technical sheets related to actual work, these will be analyzed by a box construction engineering sector.

There are several documents to be analyzed, which are basically divided into three sections, Legal, Bus / Financial and Works, among them we can highlight the registration form with detailed information about the company, its partners and its directors, financial statements, board debts, frame-economic financial and organizational information, table of available information, descriptive memorials, supplementary data sheet, the project summary form (FRE), the land information document, spreadsheet budgets, discriminating budget and budget summary , physical and financial schedule, lifting spreadsheet Services (PLS).

  • What we offer
  • Expertise to obtain and review of all documents in the case;
  • Expertise to standards adopted by Caixa, providing speed, reliability and security in the preparation thereof;
  • Solid relationship and penetration with the Federal Government.


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Contact us


SBS, Quadra 02, Bloco E, nº 12 - SLJ
Ed. Prime Business
Asa Sul - Brasília - DF
CEP 70070-120


+55 61 3041-9544