Others News

Solar energy surpasses wind and becomes the second largest source of the Brazilian electricity matrix


Published in 23/02/2023

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The leap given by Brazil in the last 20 years in Agribusiness is equal today to the GDP of Argentina.


Published in 23/02/2023

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BNDES approves R$ 100 million for elite genetic innovation in pig farming in Paraná


Published in 20/02/2023

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CONCAPAN is the largest IEEE technology event in Central America and Panama.

  This year the event will be held at the Hotel Sheraton Grand Panamá in Panama City on 9 to 12 November 2022 showing the companies news of Panama...

Published in 04/11/2022

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BNDES finances new fertilizer factory in Paraná


Published in 26/10/2022

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Logistical Megaproject  

The only producer of three types of pulp in t...

Published in 06/11/2019

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Ed. Prime Business
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